Praying for Strangers

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.—James 5:16

If you don’t like awkward encounters, maybe you shouldn’t hang out with me because I’m the queen of awkward. And I hope that’s a good thing.

I’m that person who will ask a stranger how I can pray for her, and then, with her permission, I pray for her on the spot. (more…)

Do the Hard Things

The King will answer and say to them, “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.”—Matthew 25:40

True Christianity looks much different from the sanitized pop-culture religion we have fabricated. It is hands-on and messy, unpredictable, colorless and borderless. It is (more…)

Little Insignificant Me

I come to you today, friends, with a very simple message: Enough with your excuses for failing to serve God. 

We’re not good enough. We’re not smart enough. We’re not educated enough. We’re not talented enough. We’re not old enough. We’re not young enough. We’re not rich enough. We’re not healthy enough. We’re not strong enough. We’re not free enough. We’re not (more…)